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About us


E-Auction autos is a private company formed of people from every spectrum of the auto industry. We have people that worked their way up from porters to owners. We have manufacturing and advertising representatives as well as auction specialists all of which have a minimum of thirty years of experience in their respective areas of expertise.


Our goal is through our marketplace platform which can offer an alternative for your sales team, management team and consumer. If you have a customer in the store on Monday saying they want your best appraisal on their car and that they are going to multiple places, what happens? You guessed it, most of the time, you put too much in the vehicle to “make a deal”. With our marketing system, you will be able to offer an estimate on that Monday, but also offer an alternative reason for the customer to return. The dealer will have the option to offer the customer the ability to come back at a set time and “launch” the vehicle on a live video auction (for example, Saturday at 10:30). The customer is effectively taken out of the market and must return Saturday armed with their “reserve”. After an hour of online bidding on at that set time on Saturday, the customer will have a realistic value of what their car is truly worth and the dealer has a hard buy figure and knows exactly what it will take to make a deal.

Dealer Information

01412 804455